Dr. Deane Schuessler
Schuessler was born in Chicago and is a 4th generation Lutheran
pastor. His grandfather, Guido, began the first Lutheran congregation
in south side Chicago using English. Deane Schuessler received
his theological training at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. As
an intern he helped start a new congregation in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Deane Schuessler received his master of divinity degree in 1962
and his doctor of ministry degree in 1986. Following seminary
Schuessler married Julie Clausen and was assigned as a missionary
to Japan where he was director and pastor of Sapporo Youth Center
on Hokkaido.
After 15 years of missionary service, the Schuesslers and their
three children returned to the States where they served in three
suburbs of St. Paul, Minnesota. He has prepared many couples
for marriage both in Japan and in the United States and continues
to counsel couples following marriage. Dr. Schuessler is the
author of Old Testament sermon treatments in Word,
Witness and Worship, a CD-ROM book, 31 devotions in Portals
of Prayer, and
12 sermons written for Concordia Pulpit Resources.
Schuessler and his wife have 3 children and 10 grandchildren.
His hobbies are road cycling and playing the banjo. He and his
combo lead music and worship in a county correctional facility. |